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Welcome to

The Story Stoep

It has many names and shapes around the world, but wherever you are, de stoep is often the best place to sit down and catch a story. Here you will find links to every season of DISC Radio, our space for exploring new ways of telling stories.

DISC Radio

Image by Ben Weber

Season One - What story changed your life? 

Connor is joined by friends and strangers from around the world, exploring six beautiful answers to this question. I must apologise about the order of the episodes here, I cannot seem to fix it! I do recommend listening to them in order btw, so consider it a tiny adventure through the stories. 

Sand Hills

Season Two - Same Same, But Different 
(Coming this World Storytelling Day)

As part of the MythLab, six storytellers set out on an adventure late last year into a world entirely of their own creation. They have now returned with six beautiful stories in tow, and want to share them with you!

Same Same, But Different Trailer
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Image by Michał Parzuchowski

Season Three -  Café Rewind
(Coming back in May)

Stories from our online bi-weekly gatherings of global storytellers, for the ones you missed or the ones you just have to hear again will be back soon in a new format! 


Connor McMullen - Story Engineer

Connor is the resident millennial at DISC, who is always pushing the boundaries of how technology and stories can come together. Connor has lived, worked and studied as an expat for ten years in Germany, India, and The Netherlands. He began the journey as an aersospace engineering, coordinating project teams and designing processes and components for the automotive and aerospace industry. Feeling like he wanted to be part of something bigger, Connor spent two years in TU Delft’s Engineering and Policy Analysis program, studying how to combine qualitative and quantitative analysis methods to the wicked problems the world faces. 


His thesis combined system dynamics and storyteller, testing how various forms of communication deliver messages about complex problems to the audience. Since then he has worked as analyst and storyteller in Netherlands and beyond, helping people and organisations better understand their own stories and how to share them. He most often works in the wonderful world of mythology and spontaneous storytelling, and especially loves to design, host, and play storytelling games. You can find out more about my work at

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Connor Bio
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Get to know the rest of us on our About Us page! 

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